About this website

The website of Study Association Proto was released in the summer of 2016. For as far as you're interested, it is mostly custom-built on the Laravel framework. It is the successor of the WordPress website we've been rocking since the association was founded in 2011.

The website is open source and actively maintained by a dedicated committee of the association: the Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again committee . You will find the current members of this committee on your right. Below this piece of prose you will also find a list of the developers who have been contributing to the association's ICT in the past.

Responsible disclosure

If you find any security flaw on our website, please e-mail the developers immediately. We will make sure the security hole gets fixed as soon as possible.

Reporting issues and giving feedback

If you have a problem with the content of the website, please contact the board of the association . They generally decide what gets published and are able to make general changes to user accounts, committees, activities and other association-related content.

For issues related to the website itself, you can get into contact with the developers. We are active on GitHub where we contribute code to the website and resolve issues. If you have any technical issue, bug report or feature request, we encourage you to open an issue on GitHub. This way you'll be kept in the loop on your particular thing.

If you have questions and/or feedback regarding this website, you are very most welcome to submit them.

If you feel the desire to contribute to the website directly, do not hestitate to fork our repository and make a pull request with your changes. We welcome all input and be happy to help you get your idea integrated in the website! Just want to ask something? Shoot us an e-mail!

Jonathan Matarazzi's photo Jonathan Matarazzi
Sysadmin & De Jonathan
Jesse Visser's photo Jesse Visser
Sysadmin & Web developer
Ysbrand Burgstede's photo Ysbrand Burgstede
Web developer & Sysadmin
Max Liebe's photo Max Liebe
Sysadmin & Chair & Treasurer
Frank Bosman's photo Frank Bosman
Web Developer
Menke Veerman's photo Menke Veerman
Professional ProTuber & Sysadmin
Jakub Stachurski's photo Jakub Stachurski
Sysadmin & Web Developer
Badr Boubric's photo Badr Boubric
Board Responsible
Seoyoon Choi's photo Seoyoon Choi
Designer & Web Developer
Sil van de Ree's photo Sil van de Ree
Web Developer
Thijmen de Groote's photo Thijmen de Groote
Web Developer